What is most Important?
The most important thing in a persons life are his or
her family.
It is not money and that's the truth, money is secondary,
in fact, to me it is way down the list and a burden.
All that most people need is just enough, for money certainly
leads to anxiety and pain, too much and you worry , not enough and you worry, dont you see a thread here?
You worry that you cant pay your bills or that you canott
buy the children that you love the things they want. Too much leads to great public acclaim and a respect of a wierd kind,
because why should a man be respected for what he has?
Too much leads to a fear of loosing it all, Elvis is a
classic example, he used to nightmares about everything being suddenly gone..
It takes work to keep all of that money and that high
living that it brings.
It can lead to stress and anxiety, you only have to take
a look at some of the land-lords around the place to know they are under presure, in fact, the love of money probably leads
to insanity of a certain kind.
I've seen Landlords loose their reason time and tmte again,
when they didn't get their money on time, I have seen men with a great deal of money look down right unhealthy, they where
worth at least 10 to 12 million.
People; They never have enough money and still continue
right up as far as their deaths trying to make money and build up massive figures, I mean how much dows a man need before
he reaches that desired goal?
How is a man like this ever to achieve true happiness.
when all that he is, is obsessive in his or her thinking.
This means they never switch of from the mode of wanting
more and more and more. , why more? why more? why more?
Or maybe it is the desire to pass it on to their children
so that they can have the disease that is money.
Should the children not be looked out for until a certain
age and then told to go and make their own money?
There is not a lot that is worse than greed, because it
causes someone on Earth to go hungry.
I know that in the human mind, we carry around a large
volume of guilt, at least those of us who can still feel and see what is going on in the world.
But everyone is trying to deny it, then it turns into
a feeling of bitterness and gets all twisted and bent outta shape.
The human race, even if it isn't truly aware of it, carry's
around with it thte burden of guilt for the deaths of 42.000 chilren who die of hunger every day and this figure does not
include the men and women who die in the world either.
They too are just as important as the children in the
eye's of the One true God and not as the nations would have us believe, that only the children matter.
we all matter.
All people belong to God, all souls on Earth from the
unborn to the dead.
So the human race carrys the burden of guilt for the deaths
of all of these people who have died of hunger, because they could have saved them from starving.
Just one pound per day from each and every individual
in the western hemispheare.
I believe that we owe it too these people to pay up and
look happy, it is a good temporary solution until the true King arrives.
The Spirit neglected
The whole world is in pain and the children are in pain,
because the adults are in pain and the entire work force are in pain, because no one looks after the human spirit.
The whole Earth is under a great deal of stress, because
we are told to buy and buy and buy and to spend and spend and spend.
So that we are under slavery to money, we
have lost our ability to look out for each other , why?
Because we put money first, when it shouldn't matter at
all, money has become our master, we are all doing the wrong thing, worshipping money.
It's wrong and injurious to ur own health.
We have got to tear the money god down, the money idol,
if we are ever to get it right in the head and the heart.
The system is destroying us all, not just the third world,
but the first one too.
We are waking up every day to feed the Wild Beast which
has grown out of control.
What is needed now is a solution by where everyone is fed,
every where in the world.
Were no one is left homless or hungry.
The world needs a new econemy were its not spend, spend,
spend, like we are all in a painc to buy and buy. All we ever do is buy objects for the sake of buying objects. While the
human spirit crys out.
Are we alway's going to be buying the best of cars, houses
and clothes, at the expense of our neghbourghs, so as we can say, My my what a guy, he must be ever so clever, Look at his
car, he must realy have used his mind in order to get that car.
But has he realy used his mind, when in reality he has only
added to the disease that is destroying the Earth.
When he buys these things, it is not a sign of greatness,
or inteligence, all that he has done, is bought him self a status symbol, an idol of non practibility.
He is letting it destroy his children's future with polution
and pillage of the worlds resources.
Also, by making his child think as he does, so that he can
also add to the polution and destruction of the Earth.
The truth is this, he thinks as a child does and that is
a fact of life, when he is realy supposed to be a responsable adult.
Mankind as a whole unit is thinking as an iresposible child.
In reality it is just a child's way of thinking, when he
believes that a status symbol will mek him more of a man.
To believe that a mere object will do this is bordering
on the insane, that an object of wood and stone and metal will make him a man is crazy and self destructive.
But not only is it self destructive, but it is also harmfull
to the wider population, the population as a comppleate unit, as a whole.
It is not these things by which he will be judged as to
wether he is a man or not, it will be on his intelect and his Spirit and his heart. What I mean to say is this
that it is not what you have that makes you what you are but what you are that makes you what you are.
You are what you are, if you are good you are good, if you
are bad then you are bad, but you can change.
If you have a habit of over spending then this you
can also change.
We are living in a world full of children out of control,
tearing up forests that are their to help us live and breath and the leaders, or shepards of the Earth are all responsible
for the damage that they do to the Earth,
But we too are also responsible for what we do to the planet.You
wouldn't leave a child with a box of matches, but that whats we have become, children let loose on the Earht.
We are heading for our final destruction, So just keep on
striking those matches.
So the leaders are dangerous to our health and the welfare
of the future, they are realy putting a fancy ribbon on it and selling it down the river.
The poor people of Ireland are shepardless, The leaders
of Eire are steeped in corruption, The leaders of the Earth have become Godless and they do not adhear to any other law but
their own.
Thei is not goodness in men who turn their back on wrongdoing
and turn a blin eye to evil, their wrongdoing will destroy the fabric of society for ever.
But this does not seem to matter any way because they never
ever listen .
How can upholders of the law be upholders of the law if
they are breaking the law's?
The whole Earth is on the verge of a total and absolute
breakdown because of one basic truth;there is no love, and this among men can be the only thread that can bind men together
and to eventualy stabilse the Earth.
But you will never listen to the likes of me and my warnings.
There is no love among men, they have learned to survive
on hate. and it is this instinct that will eventually destroy all of mankind.
The loevless generation is in deep deep trouble.
Justice is dead, taken over by a phoni kind of justice,
the law presses down on the people, like America does with foreghn countrie's.
America will fall, It's pride is at the epicenter of all
that it does.
Nothing can remain that proud and it's day has come, it
has relied on it's pride now for quite some time and it's eventuality is close at hand.
Its enemy King will turn and pounce upon this image of pride
and begin to smash it to bits, like a statue that stans at the center of the Earth, its fall is garaunteed without a doubt,
for coming against the God of Israel, for coming against God and the Holy Covenant.America has and will go forth in order
to devote many to destruction and to their inevitable deaths and they will acuse me of robbing from scripture.
The guilt lays with all of mankind for allowing attrocities
like hunger to go on and on and on.
When you know that there are solutions to all of these wrongs.
If we are such a global village and a family, then it is
time we started living by the truth of that expression, isn't it time we started looking out for the rest of our family in
the wider part of the comunity.
We have forgotten, but these people are just another part
of our family, and this is the truth
every person under every banner of every religion are our
brothers, wether we like it or not.
People sare people not matter what, and no matter were you
are in this life.
We are all exactley the same.
People every where should respond to these people who die
in their hordes.
If people right around the world do not respond, then people
will never be fed and they will continue to die in their thousands.
Ant his lack of love is what is allowing all of these people
to die the miserable deathgs they are dying on an everyday basis.
So!, Who is to blame.
Everyone is too blame, we are all responsible for the deaths
of all of these people.
We are ll in the position in the this late time to help
with the starving people of the world, we can all do something.
We can give one single euro per day and this would add to a
mutitude of euros and this would be bound to have an effect on the people who are dying deaths that you would not let
your own people go throuhg, so why should we allow these children to doe?
Because we dont care?
Is this the reason why?
Is this the reason why, because we wont part with a lousy little
I am a street musician and I am in the best position to see
the meaness or the kindness in the world.
There are many kind people while there seems to be more mean
Im sorry, but all that I do is state fact.
There is a total unwillingness to give to people who need it
in this world.