Book By Damien Davis.

Reasons for Writing

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You know, the reasons I wrote this book was because of a compulsion to tell People all over the Earth something I really believed they ought to know, if ever they where to get well and recover from the sickness that they are fully unawares of.


I looked at the People inside the Catholic Church secondly, and I could see that these People were indeed pale and sick looking as if they were slowly dying.


I looked in the prophets and what I seen blew me away.

In the Prophet written four thousand years ago, there is a prophecy that deals with the last days, saying that God's judgement upon Jerusalem would mean that they would get sick and be in a dying condition. The reasons I have put some personal parts to what I have written Whcih is obviously a very serious matter and not one that I take lightley, believe me.


There are partswithin me that do not want anything to do with what I am writing, because I am Human and I get scared, Scared taht I will get it wrong and scared that i'm just another one of those people who think that they see something when they don't, but at the same time, I feel that if I don't say what I see, then I will be in serious error, the error of holding back vital information whcih could help people make a descision, the descision wther or not to stay in A religion were they are dying, wasteing away with an Judgement from GOD.

It may sound very old fashioned that GOD would inflict such a punishment as the one whcih I describe, but theWord swears that he would send plagues upon mankind, and in these years we have had several plagues, but none as blatant as this one were by the members of a church are getting sick.

What am I to do?

Tell me, should I wak away from what I know or stay and write about it and probably be at risk of being accused of all kinds of things that I really don't believe that I could take, considering what I have been through within my own lifetime, but the Spirit presses in upon me to just speak, ragardless of what happens.