Israels Vine
April 01 |
Jewish Nation
Christianity [Small Gospel Hall's]
Jehovah's Witnesses.
E.T.C |
I see a lot of People that
call themselves Christians harming other people called Christians.
I've seen them use the name
to repeatedly make the same mistakes, I have seen People use the name of the King of Israel to terrorise other Christians.
Threatening to Bind them in
the name, but also not only binding them, but using and abusing the giving nature of the Christians to extract Money from
going on; no man has the right to get angry if the person who he asks for money does
not give him money and no man has a right to do a wrong in the name of Christ over and over again, believing that he can go
an kill and kill and kill again, such as those who believe they are killing for the Christ. They have done this time and time
again, in the past, were the both sides of a community have both killed in the name of the Lamb of God.
both believe in their hearts that they are doing God a service, but they will never hear these words, so what can be done?
seems that nothing can be done at all.
either choose to listen and ask questions if they are belonging to such a group or are they participating in this kind of
"They will Think they are doing a service for God"
But what Kind of a service does his fellow an injury in Gods name?
Even on the basis of the smaller Christian groups, they are binding one another and praying against one another, actually
using prayer as a weapon, as a sword.
Now, there is no wrong in asking for protection from God, but using prayer and Spiritual warfare to hurt People is close
to Spritistic practice, bordering on black magic.
We are supposed to be asking for help or protection not the downfall of another individual, just because you don’t
like what they say, or you don’t agree or they don't agree with you.
For this is tantamount to casting spells upon People.
How many wars from the past began in the very same way, Christians doing bad things in the name of Jesus, like putting
a bullet in the head of another Soldier; Christian against Christian.
It's been going on since Jesus left the Earth.
The Great falling away came in as far back as Constantine.
Jerusalem split up into many different parts of it self.
Jerusalem split up and built up it's Temples throughout all of the Earth, gaining fame and notoriety and becoming
the Christianity of World War One and Two were Christian went up against Christian.
Christianity became a harlot, with Priests making deals with the Kings and the Businessmen of the EARTH.
Christian against another Christian, going against the entire purposes of true Christianity, which is to LOVE.
I see Christians stealing, not all, but some Christians stealing from each other and taking advantage of the Atonement.
I see ceratin ones in Pain, and what can put them back on the right track, only the ten laws.
To know what God requires of People, all People, is to follow the basic Commands of Scripture.
Instead of doing VooDooisim in Christs name.
"Not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter into the Kingdom" in effect, what is been said here is that many people
will be doing unlawfull things in his name, and he shall say .
get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.
When Jesus was asked by a certain man what he should do to obtain life in all of it's fullness, he goes throuhg all
the commands of his father in the heavens.
I see manipulation among certain Christians and it has to stop, because these who are doing the manipulatin are the
ones been hurt by their own manipulation.
No one is supposed to be using the Christian Ethos for their own gratification, I.E, to get money for them selves
and their orginisations, by using what is written down in the scriptures, because it is wrong.
To prey upon old ladies who are close to going on to their death.
To hang around waiting on that old Woman to pass away and leave her Lifes savings, because she suddenly believes that
this orginisation in "the One!
Just as I believed that this Orginisation was the one, but it was not the One.
Look! To prey upon People is certainly bad enough, to Prey upon Souls for a few handfulls of Barley, or in this case,
Money, but to prey upon the aged who are scared and vulnerable and left wide open to deception by cash grabbing religious
Look! Weare supposed to be taking care of the Widow, the elderly, not preying uypon those who are afraid and left wide
Money should not even be an issue in getting to the one true God, people don't have to buy their way inot the Kingdom
of God.
What use is money to God? No use at all, they should be kept well away from the old who are gettin gready to leave the
Evil Earth.
They take Monney from the Old so tha they can continue to worship wood ans stone, so that they can build house upon
house to God.
Old People should not be obliged to hand over their life savings to those who say "We are the onesW "Yes! We are the
ones that represent the true God", and cetainly not when they have been found out and proven to be liars in that Gods name.
must, surly be placed on trial in a court of law, to answer up on questions regareding the destruction of a great many people,
using the name of God for their own benifit and not the peoples , keeping up the mumbers and the Societys image, painting
their walls with whitewash.
Orginisations are not what it's about, the image of an orginisation should not take on more importance that the people within
in the orginisation.
as for the Christian Kings of the Earth using the nam of God for their own benifit, SHAME UPON them for using
the name of God Amighty for their own selfish means, for gaining wealth to increase their econemys wealth.
on all of these Kings of the Earth doingn things that the Christ would never permit, and Shame on all of these Kings destroying
Planet Earth without even a blink of the eye, SHAME, SHAME, AND SHAME again.
has judged you all in Scripture, by his words does he judge you.
and look at your selves there in the Word of the Almighty, but you know that you are there, your aim is to enter into the
final history books.
will bring about this War because you belive it's time for the Big ONE, so to speak, instead of trying to stop things from
getting any worse.
onto Ariel Sharon for relying on Pharaoh.
onto him for going down to Egypt.
Ariel has in effect gone down to Egypt's King in the Final Years
ask him for Protection from the Nations who are set against Him.
of seeing the Son who was sent to him and the children of Israel all those years ago.
have denied LORD Jesus and gone down to Egypt to rely upon the last Pharaoh, you coninue to make your GOD jealous.
Ariel Ariel, were shall you go now?
To your enemy?
Who is also my enemy?
Egypt's Likeness has broken my covanent and Sinned greatly against me.
They are filled with Lust and greed for the treasure of the Son'd of Amman....
You shall never see your plan fulfilled Pharaoh; says the Lord of Israel, the God of gods.
Your Plan is against
me, Oh Pharaoh.
Come Pharaoh into
a trap set since the Beggining of time, when the Serpent was Judged by me, the God of gods, Place your self as a god only
to see your doom.
Come into the
Holy Land and there I shall show you my indignation; There you will fall like no other Nation............ |
Bring all your fine young men inot the area of the Battle
and in that Place the Lord Jesus Christ shall bring you down.
Because your Plan is against him and because you believe in
your own strenght.
You have no Strenght Pharaoh, you are flesh and blood
a man who is King only because I the Lord have Placed you as King.
You are not a god Pharaoh, your forefathers were not god's
you have no strenght only what has been given to youin order to come up against me so that I the Lord God may sanctify my
Holy Name.
I will clear My Name of all the slanderand desacration that
has been put upon it by the People's of the Nations, by Babylon's Priests, Princes and Lords and byIsrael, my very own People
and those who claim to be Jews by using My Name and by saying that I have said when I have not said, when I have said
nothing at all.
They waited to see a vision come true, and had all of their
Peoples trust in that vision.
But that Vision is a lying divination made in the Name of
So I sent My Prophet to judge My People Israel and to Judge
that famous Harlot who sits in luxuary with all of her great wealth in which she prides her self in.
I have used my Prophets to expose all of the Injustice carried
out by her Priests and her Princes and Lords.
In one hour her Judgements have come.
Great Babylon, with all of her Princes and Lords and the One
who sits falsley upon the throne of Peter.
There is no way to get to me except by the way of the one
they Pierced, Therefore Israel go and examinethis truth and grieve for the man you have denied, know that he is the truth
the way and the life and that through him you can be saved.
Look to the One they Pierced believe on his Name and you will
be saved by this beliefe.
Israel! Come back to me, there shall no more be two Kingdoms,
the only way backfor those of Israel's Vine is through the beliefe inthe one whom I have sent to you.
Ariel, Ariel Listen to my Prophet's Ariel, what is that I
have been saying to you all those years.
Why don't you ever Listen Israel, your vine has spread throughout
all of the EARTH and your People more numerous thatn the sands.
There is no other Name under Heaven by which you will be saved,
for I am the one who Lives forever and forever, I War in Righteousness and in Truth.
There shall be no other King, I have sent you My servant David,
but you have not belieed.
You have given no thought or consideration to your God, who
led you throught the desert and the Red Sea;
It was I the Lord your God who sheltered you from Harm.
It was I who sheltered you from Pharaoh's Wrath as he and
his Armie's chased you across the Red Sea..
I Jah your God, it was I who sent you my Servant, the Good
Shepard in order to do away with all of your burdensome laws and sacrifice., so why do you still offend me with the sacrifice
that I came to put an end to.
Your Loathsome sacrifice and Sabbaths are not what I want.
Believe yhe in my Son, I gave you my first born, but you rejected
Him, you stoned the Prophets that came into the World to Herald him in and then you killed the King of Kings AND Lord of Lords.
Every nee shall bow to my Lord.
I have given to him Compleate Kingship and Ruleship and the
Nations will bow to my King.
I the Lord Your God, I gave you the nearest tghing to my heart;
I gave you my very own Son, in whom I am Well Pleased, but your forefater's rejected him outright.
Even the Gentiles have Opened their hearts to my Son.
It's not as if you were Aliens or Foreghner's, but you are
My very own People" Say's the Lord of Israel.
My Prophet has come to you in order to speak the Words thaqt
I put in his mouth.
He will make known my Judgements to the Vine of Israel.
Since I found you bathing in your own blood, I washed youand
took you as my own;
I brought you up as my very own Daughter;
dressed you in the finest apperil and then you decided to
play the Harlot and became a mother to allof these harlots.
Israel Israel; A vinein Disgrace.
Israel Israel come back and seek my face.
Just as I am the Father I am also the Son, for he and I are
Nothing can Sepparate me from the one whomi am well pleased,
my Son whom I did send to you Israel.
Gather up all your wise men and your counsellors, Soothsayers,
Men of Fame, Men of greed, and Men freeand Men who are slaves; Gather against me, comeone and all against the Lord of Lords
and King of Kings and in that place I will bring you down;
Come to Meggido everyone to the valley of Hommon bring
up your case against the Lordif you have a case, then bring it and I shall speakand let you know that what you have done you
have brought upon your self, through greed, lus, hate, murder, theft, covetousness, hoarding, keeping everything you have
made, and never sharing and never giving thanks for the bounty that you posess.
Never seeking my face, the face of your maker.
I gave you all a bounty of Signs by which to seek out my face.
The Earth contains many things to say that I exist to say
that i designed everythingthat exists, through my One Son, Christ Jesus forever.
But you People did not look in order to see my creation.
I gave you every kind of food, I gave you every kind of Animal,
on land and in sea.
in the air, I gave you certain kinds of Animals and
in these you could have known me.
I gave you every kind of insect to help cultivate the Earth,
a complate chain that you broke with your toxic gases and you imbalance;
You rocked the Earth and all that was in it, with your knolwedge
and the bounty whcih proceeded from that knowledge.
And I the Lord, I gave you an abundance of Knowledge so as
to help you seek me out.
I created every sort of Life and in htat Life were the clues
to help all of Humanityseek me out and to know that I did nothide compleatley.
I gave you my Prophets and through these I spoke, but you
did not believe, because you refuse to believe, because you canott believe, because ofyour anger and hatred for all that is
You hoarded the Surplus of the Earth, My food, My food, that
belongs to me, the Lord God Almighty.
You Hoarded the Surplus of all this food and you did not remember
my councel on these matters, to give a percentage of it to the poor..
You Allowed So Many to die when among you all you could have
saved much life but you preferred to blame the Lord God for all of the death that you could have prevented by way of sharing
what you kept in food shelters, hoarding the Grain, starving the People, why did you not all raise up your voices long ago.
I the Lord God of Israel through my Son gave you enough food
and grain of very kind to feed all of the People.But you People Worried over Tommorrow and Hoarded and kept the grain that
could have been used for today, and you kept it for the future.
The feeding of Humanity was in your hands and you know this,
you blamed the Lord for all of these dtestable practices which killed many souls.
And Great Babylons People Allowed it's Princes and Lords to
aloow many to be born and die.
The Answer to Hunger was left in your hands, People of the
Earth why did you not hear the cry's of the Hungry?
The buissnessmen of the Earth Still Hoard and in their evil
they cause many to die from starvation, I gave you enough grain that if one part of the Earth suffered famine, then the one
part that did not suffer it could easily help that which could not help it self.
I take no blame for this, says the Lord of Israel.
And the Murders by your thirst for blood and your greed
for gold, your eye's never ever satisfied of seeing, you couldn't get enought of bood or gold.
Your lust for power drove you insane as you crumbled beneath
the powers of the King of Babylon.
All of this has caused havoc among the earth, you have weakened
it's substance; brought it to the brink of destruction, Oh your destroyers of the Earth.You have Ruined the Air the trees
and the soil and there is no stopping you. in your devastation, you Sons of men have torn the Earth assunder.
And the Murders were caused by your thirst for blood and your
greed for gold.
Your Lust for greed drove you insane as you crumbled beneath
the power of the King of Babylon.
All of this has caused havoc among the Earth, you have truly
weakened it's Substance; brought it to the brink of destructtion, Oh you Destroyers ofthe Earth, you have ruined the Earth,
the Air, the Trees and the soil and there is no stopping you now, you Sons of men have torn the Earth Assunder and surly no
flest would survive if you were not stopped.
You have ruined the Balance of creation, My Creation, you
have messed with all that was good.
You have driven the Earth to it's Knee's and now you patch
it up were it should not be patched up; it's too little too late, you have ruined the food chain due to your greed.
How can youpatch up an Earth that is beond repair?
How can you fix up the damage when the cause of that damage
still remains?
It still remains with no rest in sight, you continously strip
it bare of all of it's Oxygen, and elements and food.
How can the Earth sustain the generations when the generations
have put destructtive plans into effect?
She is like an old wine skin, the Earth is in ruin you have
destroyed everything within it.
Youhave destroyed everything within it you are continuously
bombarding the footstool that I the Lord of Creations made for my self, for my own Glory.
All that you create destroys everything within it's path.
Your ways have ruined the good things that were made for Humanity's
Protection;The Air, the trees and the Rivers, and the Sea's.
And even now you contiue to rob your maker by saying that
you can repair the damage.
How can you repair the damage, when you continuously take
the trees from their soil and harvest until the Earth is fully ruined.
I, The Lord of Israel told the Sons of men that they would
ruin the Earth and that it would evetually spit them off.
I said that if you lived certain ways and disobeyed
my commands that were put in place for your protection.
I gave Humanity a chance of reprieve when I gave you my Son.
You rejected him; you Scourged and Mocked him, jeered and
crucified him, and as if that was not enough, you continued on in the vein of destruction and created Wars were you sacrificed
your very own Sons and daughters to these Wars that got you no were and still they get you no were, your thirst for blood
continued unabaited.
I the Lord Shall Put an End to these outrageous Wars.
I alone shall give Peace to everyone that believes in My Word.
The Separation begins with My Son, those who hate him will
be denied, those who Love him shall find Peace within.I did everything out of Love for my Son, Whom you chose to hate, the
choice is yours, the freedom to love or to hate is yours.
My Motivation was an is Love for the Sons of Men.
Give Worship to your foreghn gods and your Alien gods, love
them if you please, choose between the Christ and your Idols made by your own two hands, carved from wood and stone and metal.,
since the begining you have bowed down to the works of your own two hands and it has brought you nothing but misery.,
Bow down to your Alien gods and give them glory for the creation that belongs to me, you rob what is mine, what belongs to
me.' says the Lord ofIsrael.
Bow before the works of your own two hands, you idolize evil
and follow the evil one, the King of Tyre and the King of Babylon.
Follow yourKing whom youhave chosen , the King of Babylon;
who has gathrerd a great crowde against me, but he shall fall with no one tohelp him..
You were decieved by this King whom I the Lord Placed upon
the Earth as a snare for the Nations.
The Serpent has biten many and made them fall. Your Lack of
beliefe has been a snare to you all, you did not seek for if you had then you wuod have found your God.
Now Satan has comne up against me; Satan the King of Babylon,
a leader to the Prostitute who sits upon many waters.
She has had a great Kingdom over the Kings of the Earth, but
now she has been found out from Ephraim to Memphis; From Judah to Tyre, from Israel to Babylon.
Israels vine has sread throughout all of the Earth; But the
vine has become utterly useless, utterly useless.
And now that it has been burned, how much more useless it
has become.
Israel did not accept my Son, Israel denied him outright,
but my Son is the only way back for Israel, says the King of Israel, go therefore and tell Ariel, speak to him Son of man
and tell him the news in briefe, drip words in every direction and speak fearlesly of Ariels shame, Israels shame, how much
he has offended your God, son of man for there is much hatred in your house, Son of man.
Shame Israel for me' son of man, and let them know that it
was their forefathers who did not believe my word as it was written.
There is no wasy back for Israel except by way of the one
they pierced, the one I sent to them.
Israel is proud and arrogant and builds a wall, siegeworks
in which to prtect themselves.
They have not looked to me Son of Man, they have not looked
to their maker, the one whom created them from the very dust of the ground.
Israel is proud, But I the Lord OF Israel shall shame Israel
for it's relationbshipt with Pharaoh.
They have not looked to my Word, they have not believed in
the Prophets which i spoke, they did not Listen to Isaiah who spoke my word with regard my Son.
And still they wait in vain for a savour, Shame on you Israel
for not believeing my word, the word of my Spirit, I told you of Immanuel, but you did not believe in his name.
You Israel will bow the knee to my Son, Jesus.
He came into this World in order to sanctify my Name that
you Profained among the Nations, and he came for the forgivness of sins and to put an end to sacrifice.
Don't you see Israel?
I gave you My Son to put an end to Your guilt offerings, he
became the Sin offering, the offering of atonement that was acceptable to me.
Israel shall bow to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, he
will be King.
Come together all of you and Listen, Which of the Idols has
fortold these things?
The Lords chosen ally will carry out his purpose against Babylon.
His right arm will be against the Babylonians.
I even I have spoken, yes I have called him , I will bring
him and he will sucseed in his mission
A prophet with my Words will come against Jerusalem, Israels
vine; to expose all of Israels acts of Injustice, since the time of Moses.
Son of Man Make known by way of your dirges the Judgement
upon Babylon, the Mother of Harlots.
Let her Disgrace be heard in all of the Earth; Jerusalem grew
into a loose Woman and Spread her self throughout all of the Earth, with a public moat on every Public square.
She placed her self in the arms of evry King since the beggining
of her time.
Tell all of her people who she is, put the full shame
on her for she has sat and believed in her heart that she was a queen and the loss of children she would never know.
I the Lord God Of Israel spoke of her through Isaiah,
Jeremiah and again in Ezekiel.
You Prophet in dirge, speak freely of her crimes, Do not fear
her people for they are under heavy Judgement.
And do not fear the King of tyre, in fact, judge him and remind
him of his end.
Let him know of his future for rebelling against me, the Lord
of Creation.I By tghe Power of my spirit shall make you fearless in time.
Go in among the Israel and tell Ariel and fear not their big
words, briars and thorns, scorpians too.
Let Ariel build up his Wall but a strong wind shall expose
it, and expose him for what he is, an unbelieving soul, and stiffnecked who sins against his own God, by his disbeliefe; In
fact, the entire house of Israel sins by their disbeliefe in my word.
Tell them all to kiss the Son Lest he be angry, bow one and
all to my very own beloved Son.
Even you Sinners, or you shall be forced to bow, for David
is my chosen King, my beloved One.
Remind tha rebellous One of his demise, give him my words
on paper, I the Lord have Judged him with my mouth, the deciever will decieve no more;
Tell that One from me, Son of Man that he has seen his day;
He who walked among the Sparkling gems;
His desire to rebel against me and to slander and to accuse
all of Humanity and to say they only loved me for gain.........
Well Satin, You have had your day and much time to proove your accusations against the Sons
of men.
Even those that followed you are blind by your deception.
Your hatred towards me, Slanderer has taken it's toll; You have caused many to fall down dead
in the streets... You have caused the People to fall down dead among the Idols of their own making.
You have decieved many to and caused them to fall.
Will the Israelites, My own People, My very own people contiue to reject me and my words?
Will they continue to be blind or will their eyes and see My Son?
The Vine of Israel is compleate, spread thorughout the Earth.
I shall thread upon the vime' says the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
heed my Word One more time you Nations of disbeliefe, Hear My voice you Israelites and Know
that I am God.
Stop your Sacrifices Israel, they mean nothing to me. I sent to you one sacrifice for all time.
I Dont see your sacrifices or your sabaths or your new moons, I dont see your dancing nor your
celebration, I take no joy in your celebration's.
You have not listened to my word and never have you listened to my word, if you had then you
would have known me.
The vine of Israel is compleate and Ripe, the man who is over this Vine at this point
in time is Ariel Sharon, but the King of this vine is the cornerstone that he and all of Israel has
rejected, The Lord Jesus Christ.
Woe to Ariel from the City of David, woe onto him for not seeing the Son of Man and
for the rejection of the Chiefe cornerstone.
[The Vine of Israel is as useless as if it had been charred int the fire, Hence the
Alegory in the Prophet in Ezekiel.
How Much more useless after it has been in the fire, Israel has beomce as useless as
this, due to it's dis-beliefe in Jesus Christ.
God is waiting for Israel to say yes to Jesus, but will they?
It defys reason and Logic that they did not recognise this man who came along and fulfilled
each of the scripture's in the Prophet Isaiah; So much so that it boggles the mind, so much so that even a small child could
see it clearly that indeed was the man whom they were waiting for and expecting..
Not even children would have failed to see it; Ariel, you must become again as a Little
child to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven;
Or is this beneath you, to see as a little child?
A Book Which is sealed in derision, the four Book's about the one whom you were expecting
and waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ;
While the World Laughs at the idea, the Kingdom is indeed been set up.
Sealed in derision.
The World laughs deisivley at the idea of one man coming into this world to save Humanity,
when it was the true God that made it this way.
What is impossible for man is possible for God, the Most High.
What the World sees as ridiculous; God sees as truth; sealed in derision, laughter.
God is in control of the situation and only those who seek his face shall find him.
Ariel! Will you seek again his face, or will you continue tohide and blatantly deny
his truth?
The option is yours.
To accept or to reject the Son of the Most high God.
'Who shall accept my Son?'
Says the Most High God?
'Who among you Israel shall seek me out?
Israel's vine has spread throughout all of the Earth;
Will Israel keep denying me?
Since the days of your youth, the days of your forefathers, you have done what is bad
in mine eys., you have spat in my face Israel, by denying the one that I SENT TO YOU MY SEVANT DAVID.
Will you turn your back to me Israel, you whom i HAVE LOVED?
Or will you continue to hide from me, believe in my Son, believe in him' He is your
King Ariel, He is your King.
Israels Vine has spread throughout all of the Earth and from it's root comes all kinds
of Filth; The Lord yourGod Judges you Israelfor all of the times that you failed to recognise him.
Prepare your self Israel well and know that the time has come to bring the Nations into
Judgement, to Sepparate the good from the bad.
Know that the Remnant will be saved.
But only by bowing down before My Son Jesus.
The Lord God of Israel shall offend the hearts of many peoples in these days you have
given you love over to false gods; Idols made by Human hands, you give worship to demons and do not repent of any of it.
Give as you Please, give your worship to the Ancient Idols and recieve your due reward;
give your worship to Baal;
How much Longer shall you Vex me? Says the One true God.
How much Longer Shal the Nations come up against their maker, in order to desacrate
his Holy Name; There shal be no more delay any more.
Israel is ashamed of a People whom they canott profit from, these have followed my Son,
Lord Jesus.
You ooked for a King Israe, I gave you a King and in my Anger I took him back again.
You are seeking your own vengence against the Nations, but vengence belongs to me the
Lord Of Lord And King of Kings.
You bild up your siege ramparts so as to cut the Nations off.
Vengence Israel is mine and will be mine Oh Israel; You did not rely upon your own maker
Israel; You have Looked to Pharaoh for healing, but he canott heal you, for there is no power in his right Hand, he has blaspheamed
against me Oh Israel, so therefore he shall know that it I the owner and repurchaser of Israel wo breaks him when
I destroy his proud City; A City Both Arrogant and Proud.
A City Against me.
They Shall know that it was I who have broken Pharaoh's right arm and left arm.
When he groans, will he still feel pride and arroagance when the One doing the breaking
humiliates him for all of his blasphemy against me, the Holy One of Israel.
Pharaoh wil know his place after I have Drenched His City with Blood; Will he stand
up and say that he is equal to me, the One doing the Slaying.
I The Lord Of Israel and the beggining and the end, the first anf ther last, before
me, there were no gods and after me there shall be none either.
Pharaoh Shall upon his City, when it comes crashing to the ground before all of
the to the ground Nations, Peoples tongues and Languages.
I will sanctify my Name among the Peoples and they shall know that their gods are as
nothing and that only the Prophets God is real.
I am the Holy One of Israel.
Who is there among you that can match me. Whcih One of your gods is to be likened to
The King of Babylon has decieved you all, making you believe in your false gods, to
your own destruction.
He has done a service for me;
I am the Holy One of Israel; says the Lord.
No false god shall take my place, nor seek my postion.
I alone am God; says the Lord of Creation.
I am the King of Israel
I alone shall free my Peope Israel and they shall know that it was and is their
God who has free's them from captivity.
The Lord God will strip you of your idols to which you bow, the gold that you love to
caress and to hold, you will learn it's value.
You will se that it's value is nothing at all and that you have bowed down before
a false god.
It shall give you no protection against the siege that is die against Jerusalem and
the stonewalls to which you bow, you weep and wail at this wall as if it were it self a god.
An Idol, Israel, a false thing that will not protect you Israel.
Look to my Son and he will save you, he alone will take you out of the pit.
Bow to my beloved Son, Israel, bow to him.
I gave you my heart Israel and you threw it back at me, you deny me when you deny him.
I sent you my prophet's, then I sent to you my very own Son, but you refused to see my Glory, my Son
in whom I am well Pleased, the Son in whom my joy is in, the Son in whom you Nailed to the wood. |
I gave you my heart Israel but you rejected it my Son, you rejected the chiefe corenerstone.
The Nations blame Israel for the death of my Son and Israel you did reject him.
The Nations have come against you Israel, even in their hearts and mind, they are at War with you Israel.
The Nations, they too rejected my Son, but Israel you are my Son, you above all Peoples should have
recognised My Servant David..
I told you over and over Israel I would dend you my Son. And now Israel the time has come for
to call home my flock;
Who among you shall believe in My Son?
Who among you will believe in my word.
Time and time again Israel I have spoken to you in truth, but you have not listened or believed.
Come all you Nations and gather Your selves one and
all, People from all walks of life, who is there among you that can take me down, none of your armies shall ever bring
me down, I the Lord of creation shall inspre my Prophets to speak, to tell the Nations to loose their anger and th eir
wrath that is faced towards me.
Who will come to me; says the Lord of truth, who will desire to see my face?
Who ever does, shall see my face.
Come all you stragglers and doubleminded ONES, SEEK ME OUT, I'm there to be found.
Do not think your self so bad soas not to call to me; I can save to the innermost, for I ma
Lord of all.
The King of Babylon shall have no hold on you, if you seek me out I will protect you from
his threaths and accusations that hound you night and day.
Live by y law and know that I amGod, come you people and trust in the Lord, know that his ways are
clean and good.
Know that his ways are true and just and know that his ways are far above yours.
Take this into consideration with regard the law, his law Holy and Just.
How can your ways ever set you free, and how can your laws ev er set you free.
Live by my ways turn back and know the justice and peace that it brings.
Man canott live without my law.
says the Lord of truth, it is as if he were living without air.
Come all you Nations and trust in his way's, test his law and know that it brings Peace; Peace
to the soul and without it you are a ship tossed at sea.
Going against my law is the same as going against your self.
Live by ny decrees and see your Peace, for those that follow my law and teaching, I will give
them Peace.
There is no Peace in the ways of man, they are lost and battered at sea.Come to me all you who
are heavy and laden and I shall give you rest for your souls; Say's the Lord.
Come back to me Israel, in my righteous decrees are the ways of Peace, for your ways have brought
you ruin, and to all the Nations, ruin.
Come back to me all all you who yearn for righteousness, the ways of the wicked one are cut
The Sinner will be forgotten and never be remembered.
Those that remain in their error, those who do not look towards my Son, these are the ones who
shall perish without his truth there is not life, without my law there is only destruction and death.
Without Love there is Only hate.
The ways of Peace are found in the Son of Man, Look you Israelites, to the man they pierced.
Shall you continue to reject his ways, his truth, you Israelites, only to perish from the lack
of Life, for in my Son are the ways of truth and Justice, and Peace; and Life.
There is no life in your laws that you contiuously add to every day, in your ways are the ways
of death.
For those who want to live in peace with the fullness of life with the promise of life
everlasting, then choose the ways of the man they pierced; My Son.
How much Longer will you Israelites reject my Son, How Much Longer will you deny his words.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
come all you Nations and believe that his death is enough, that his blood is the offering for
That his bood is the offering that appeases my soul, come all you who believe in his name by his shed
blood only are you made well.
All the vine of Israel are those who believe in Christ as savourgh to men.Believe it in your hearts
you men, that his blood is enough for your sins, repent now and believe in the man who I your God,, Israel sent to you.
Believe, believe, believe Israel.
Look to the man they pierced and see his mercy that mirrors my own;says the Lord of truth.
Will you contiue to waste away in your disbeliefe/
The Vine of Israel is an abundant fruit that has become rotten and corrupt, and by it's disbeliefe
and lack of acceptance in my Son Jesus.
Israel will and can only be saved in Christ, reject him Israel and your God will reject you.
Look to my Son Jesus you Peoples of the Earth for in him lays the answer to problems.
Turn around Israel and believe in the foreghners i have sent to you to give you a thorough witness,
they give witness about my Son.
Believe and be saved, believe on his name for no other name under heaven will a man be saved by except
the Lord Jesus.
Israel is like a barron field, it gives no fruit indeed it is like a rotten tree.
How can Israel be forgiven, how can Israel are fruit.
For the vine of Israel is fully ripe, but it's fruit is bad.
Lord of Israel, when will you heal our wounds?
When will you stand up for those who desire to do what is right.
We have waited so long for you to rise up and take your glory, to show the other gods that they are
nothing., that they are nothing but images made by human hands.
Theey ahave carried on injustice until there was nothing left, they've plundered the Earth leaving
it bereft they have sacrificed their own children to the God's of War.
But you Lord, You gave us al fair warning, you told us that those who lived by the sword woud die by
the sword, so why then did these soldiers pick up the sword
Because those that were bound to captivity, would be bound as such.
They have carried on Injustice, scorching the sky and the Earth with their gods of War, spared no expense
building them up taqll and stong.
Your high mountains Oh Pharaoh shall be left desolate, for your arrogance is well known.
In you there are many who cling to you like the scales of a fish, but I will rent you assunder and
I will tear you apart Oh Pharaoh.
I will break you apart for coming against the spirit of Christ.
I am the Spirit that lives forever and ever and I will take no more, I have held on as long as
I should, I am the Spirit of the Most High God and to him do I submit.
I came to this Earth in order to bring all men to the Only truth, Christ Jesus is the only truth.
I am the wind that blews were it will, I have inspired the Prophets of old to write down the words
of Scripture.
I am the Spirit of God.
And it is his will that I must do.
I am the helper and comforter of all those who who have chosen to seek the truth.
I am the One about whon that One spoke, when he said that he would send a comforter of all those who
have chosen the truth.
My Purpose and mission is to bring trhose that beliefe in the Christ back to him.
Those who do not b elieve have been divided from those that do.
The One that say's in His Heart "I believe" is the one that is saved.
The One that say's in his hear "I do not believe in the Christ" is the one who is not saved, nor is
he safe.
The simplicity of the Most High is the divider of the People, Sheep to the Right and Goats to the Left.
Those thta believe to the Right and those that do not to the left.
Believe in the Christ; Two Roads; Goats to the Left and Sheep to the Right.
The righteous and the unrighteous.
There is only One way back, Repentance and Cleansing.
The Son of Man is the only way back; This is the Word given to My Prophet, and the Spirit is in you
and the word that you have to give is for the Jews in Israel. Ariel Sharon and the Entire Vine of Israel, Beggining with Jerusalem.,
You have Judged Jerusalem as the Spirit has asked you too, Oh Prophet of Israel.
You have given warning to the People to turn back from their ways, their Blood shall be upon their
own heads.
Continue on in your warnings so as to let as many People hear the Message of the Lord you God.
Jerusalem= Jews] have not believed in What their own God sent to them.
Catholicisim+rodestantisi=Oliha and Olibha.
Jehovah's Witnersses=Part of the Vine of Israel.
Wasting away- all of these are sick indeed.
The Prophet in Dirge
The House of Israel=Israel+Witnesses.
Pharaoh has set his heart against me, to make the People his own, to rob my own People.
Woe to you Pharaoh, for they are my People and mine alone.
You will not decieve my People into following your ways.
I will not aloow you to come into my People in order to take from them
Hear the Word of the Lord your God Israel and know that the Word that I give is true.
You Israel have chased after Mammon for too Long now. It's time for you to come back to me, Israel.
Hear the Word of the Lord Israel and know that your God is awake and not sleeping as you have believed.
Your disbeliefe has blinded you all from truth; know that I have sent you my Son, know that I
amd the God of actions and not a God who sleeps.
I have been working in Peoples lives all of the time that you have been waiting for me to send
you the saviour.
I the Lord you God gave to you a Saviour but you did n ot see;
I gave you a Saviour, but you did not believe, the Gentiles have had the Grace poured upon them
even since Christ was raised and my Spirit sent among you.
The Gentiles have had something that the People of Israel have not.
They have had my Grace and rest because they who did not recieve did not recieve my Grace but those
that did, recieved my Grace.
Those who believed in the Word of my Son, they recieved my Grace.
In Him Am I well pleased ancd in his Blood Am I satisfied.
All your Wars Israel and those fo the Gentiles have all beeen for nothing, your Wars have brought you
nothing b yut pain and misery, and griefe.
There is not end to your Blood letting.
When will Israel learn to follow and Listen to It's God?
How shall we do that/ you say.
By Coming back to me, believe in my Son Israel, Know your King.
And He is your King Israel. You Israel have no other King except the Lord Jesus Christ, King
of Kings and Lord of Lords.
I and the Father are One, says the Christ, wer he is I am and were I am he is.
Come back to your God through the Living Christ, he will give you life.
Believe in him Israel for I Your God have sent him.
Paul spoke of the remmanany been saved, now is the timethat Paul, a disciple of Christ, a true man
of the true God, now is that time.
He Himself, A jew, beheld and believed and was blessed by the living God.
Paul , Saul of Damascus, a Servant of the Living God.
You God Arile Sharon.
He was Bleszsed with eyes to see what his and your God, Ariel had sent into the World, Blessed are
those that believe without seeing for this is the Kingdon of God.#Behold and believe Ariel, from the house of David.
Blessed is the Holy One from Israel, Blessed is he who came into this World in the name of God,
in the Name of your God Ariel, whom you Crucified along with your People.
All of Israel.
But in Him you are forgiven, in the Branch of Daavid, Jesse you will be forgiven.
Come back to your God Israel, come back now, believe in his word and be saved.
Your sins have been great against me Israel, says the Spirit of the Mosat High God.
Your Sins have caused you to stumble , but there is forgivness in Christ, your King, believe in Your
God Oh Israel, Your God Is One Israel.
Believe in my Word you Elders of Israel. Look back to Isaiah and the Prophets, do you not believe
that I carried out my Word to the Letter.
Everything is in it's position; Say's the Lord God Of Ariel Sharon from the City of David, everything
is in it's place.
The King's of the Earth; Pharaoh and all of his Horde, you Ariel, and the Kinf of Babylon, Great Babylon.The
Houe of Israel.The Prophet, The Thing That Causes desolation[ as Spoken of through the Prophet Daniel.
I the Lord have Placed everything in it's position, for my own Glory, says the Lord of Truth.
The Nations shall see that I will Exalt My own self above every Living King and Kingdom.
Who is ther e among you and your gods who is Like me, Your gods are Nothing at all, your gods are nothing
in the eyes of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Raise your self up Pharaoh with your chosen allies, come against me, but I will bring you down were
you stand.
Behold and believe.
Behold and Believe you People of the Nations, raise your selves up you believer' in my Son, see the
Work that sh all unfold, see Pharaoh fall and believe that it is I who carries out the Wr in Ritheousness.
For Pharaoh has set his heart against me and the Holy Place Jerusalem, so as to make that Nations like
the other's.
To make the Peoples bow to him rather than to me, to trust in the Egyptians in the final, rather than
I the Lord of Israel, but Woe to those going down to Egypt in the Final for they shall persinh in Pharaoh's hands, do not
trust in him nor his allies, for I will not show to him Mercy, no not His People.
Trust in the Lord You Peoples of the Earth for he is true and just and he shall break the Armies of
this Mighty King, Arrogant of face and proud.
He is a Beast, both Wild and dangerous who is willing to sacrifice many to destruction.
Trust not in his ways, for they are not mine, even if he says they are.
Come all you Peoples of the Earth.
I am God and these are my People, In them I will sanctify my Name, I will exalt my self in Israel I
Shall Speak and the People will hear my Voice.
The People will know me when I move in Israel, my People will Know Me.
All my People will Know Me. Say's the Lord of Israel;
I am he that rescued Israel from Pharaoh, Generations ago, I am he who Brought the 10 Deadly
Plagues upon Pharaoh, it was I who brought the Plagues upon the King of Egypt; Not for Israel, but for my own NamesAKE.
It was I who brought Israel out from under Pharaoh's Tyranical Reighn.
I brought them throught the desert and there I fed them for 40 years..
Who among will chalenge me and who among you PEOPLES CAN TAKE me down?
I am the Lord of Eternity, I have lived from generation to generation.
I raise up Kingdoms and their Kings and bring them down again, every generation shall bow tthe knee
to the Lord.
No Kingdom comes into existance except by the power of my Spirit.
I am the Lord of Israel and Israel are my People; Not for them have I come to save, but for my own
names sake, for the Naions have brought dishonour upon my Name.
I am the Living God; Say's the Lord and I shall raise up to defend my People, Israel in it's entierety
for the Vine is ripe.
I shall break the Nations that come up against me and they shall come up against me; The Word of The
Hear Oh Israel, hear your God and know that it is I who sends you my Prophet in dirge, who speaks on
my behalf, so as to get you to look to the man they pieced.
Know Israel the signs you are been given, Just as he has done you also shall do, for he is a sigh to
you Israel.
He carried his luggage upon his shoulder for boring holes within Jerusalems walls, to expose
the vine of Israel and all of it's rebellous ways towards me, their God.
Israel has been rebellous down to this selfsame day.
He shall bore through your walls to expse your compleate disregard for me.
I the Lord your God have sent you a Prophet in dirge so as to make known to you the thing that
he makes known even now, the things that you must do in order to come back to me.
Before the day of the coming of the Lord, he will make known to you the things he has made known, he
plays well upon a a stringed instrument and has a goodly voice hear his words Israel, do not harden your heart so as not to
hear what it is that I your God is saying.
Wake up Oh Israel and know that Christ is your Atonement and only by his blood can you be saved only
by his blood can you be forgiven.
Wake up Oh Israel and know that Israel is only forgiven in the Christ and not by any sacrifice
of your own, but by the Son of Mans blood is a man cleansed of all his iniquities and that by his stripes are you healed.
Come all you Nations and believe in your heart's that his death is enough; that his blood is
the offering that appeased my soul come all you who believe in his Name, by his shed blood only are you made well.
All the Vine of Israel are those who believed in his Name as the savour of mankind.
Believe it in your heart's you men that his blood is enough for your sins;
Repent now in the Name of the one whom I speak, the one whom I the Lord sent you.
believe Israel look to the man whom they Pierced and see his mercy that mirrors my own.; says the Lord
of truth.
Will you contiue to waste away in your disbelief?
The Vine of ISRAEL is an abundant fruit that has become rotten and corrupt, byt it's disbelief and
lack of acceptance in my Son, Jesus.
Israel will and can only be saved in Christ.
Reject him Israel and you will be rejecting me your God.
Look to My Son Jesus, you Peoples of the Earth for in him lay's the answer to all problems;
I am the Lord of Israel.
Do not reject My Son Oh Israel, nor you peoples of the earth, turn back to me and repent and you shall
be healed, believe in him whom I the Lord of Israel have sent.
Come and I will forgive as I promised you I would Israel.
Believe that every iniquity can be healed through him, believe,
I sent you the Son of Man whose stripes heal, but you rejected him Israel; Do not reject him now, do
not choose Pharaoh above my Son.
I kept my promise Israel.
I gave you my one and only Begotten Son and before him i SENT YOU the Prophets , but then you did not
belive, even since i found you Israel; You have rebelled against me choosing even to the law above my own voice.
Open the eyes of your heart Israel, all of Israel; all that stem from the vine, Open your hearts all
you that who claim to follow the Christ. Open your heart's and have mercy for your brothers.
Have mercy on your neighbours, forgive one another from the heart, and do not carry grudges against
one another.
Observe my Sons Commandments, Listen to his voice, listen to your own heart and hear the hatred that
is there for your fellowman, forgive one another for it is mercy that I desire, forgive your brothers his debts.
Israel hear the words of My Son, Hear them.
Do not harden your hearts to his words, open up your ears Israel and hear and know that the key is
there for you, Just believe.
Israel has gone astray, It's peoples are like a ship tossed at Sea, fearfull and afraid and without
trust, come out form your captivity Israel.
Come into the fold I the Lord will calm the waves about your ship, if you only trust in me your God
and know that I have sent to you my Son, whom I love dearly.
Believe in the Name of Yeshua.
Believe in the one whom was chosen since the beggining of time, the one who is the beggining..
There is no way back except by way of my Son Yeshua.
Israel the only way back is to me is through my one and only begotten Son.
Believe Israel and you shall be saved by your beliefe in my annonted Son.
There is no other way by which you can be saved, no other Israel.
There is no other way to the father except by way of the Son.
How then Shall we be saved.
How then shall Israel be saved.
Will you come to the Son?
OR will you deny the Son?
Either way Israel the choice it belongs to you, it belongs with each and everyone of the land and vine of
Who will you choose as your King? Jesus?
The King of Babylon, and Pharaoh whom you have come to rely upon, how shall it be Israel? Will you
accept the Son, My Son. The Son of Your God, Jesus as the King of Israel.
The Question remain as simple as this.
The decision is yours Israel, decide as you want as your King ISRAEL.
Lay down your weapons Israel, for those that live by the sword shall die by the sword.
The Nations are against you Oh Israel; they have a plan and it is against Israel. ALL THE NATIONS have
hardened their hearts towards the land of Israel, for you have built up a wall, a wall that I the Lord you God told you of
since the beggining.
But when they come against you they cone against me, and they will surly comne against you Oh Israel.
Tehy shall set up a siege woprks against Your Walls for their hearts are against you Oh Isael.
They shall come up against you Israel as the waves in the Sea.Their hearts are against you and I shall
let them overcome you.
Flee Jerusalem, do not stay were you captured.
Jerusalem Jerusalem, will be Hit hard as The Lord said that it would be.
Who can tell the future before it has happened, only the Holy one of Israel.
He has told the future from the beggining.
I am The Lord of Israel who created the heavens and the Earth. who is there above me and who can take
me down?
[Ariel will be stricken and hit hard when the days have come for Jerusalem's desolation by the
There is no going back on the word of The Lord Jesus, The Message is this. Will Israel accept The Lord
There is no other way by which they can be saved now there is just no other way, they must believe
this and accept it, there are troubles times ahead, anyone can see this.]
It's only amatter of time now before they Prophecies are fullfilled fully by the Nations.
Who will come to me by way of my Son, who among you peoples from all of the Nations will hear
the word of the Lord of Israel?
Who will sit up and take notice and realise that what is been said is no lonfer a joke. but a serious
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Slayer of the Prophets and the Son of Man.
Hear the word of the Lord, Listen and read The Prophets that you Quote, see the Promised One who was
fortold and believe Israel that he came into this World.
Read the Prophets, Ezekiel and Jerimiah, Isaiah and see that they all point to the man they pierced,
Christ Christ.
Are you so blind Israel that you canott see that what the prophets fortold has come to pass 2000 years
ago when that one was sent into the World to suffer all that he did at the hands of sinfull men.
I and the Lord of Israel, I am the One who sent that one into the World, and yet Israel does not belive.
Why Israel do you refuse and why do stiffnecked?
Because I the Lord have made you stiffnecked and heardened your hearts.
I the Lord shall lead you out of captivity and give you a heart of flesh as I promised all those generations
ago, to Abraham and to your forefathers.
Listen to your God Israel and know that he speaks the truth, when he tells you to look to the man they
Jesus is the way the truth and the life, Listen to the words of the prophet's.
How can Israel claim to love it's God and obey his words, when Israel had rejected his words our right.
How can Israel's Elders claim to be the house of Israel when the house of Israel is renewed since
the time Jesus came to earth almost two thousand years ago.How can Israel choose to forget what His own father
promised 6 thousand years ago?
Christ Jesus owns the true Israel..
How can Israels Elders forget and choose to ignore this very true fact?
Jesus Christ is the King oer Israel, this is the odination of Israel own god.
Israel my child, whom i Reared from a babe, Nursed you through the swaddlling years and was there to
dress you in your youth, to put ear and nose rings on you.
I was also there to find you commiting lewdeness with the Kingdoms of the earth, as you turned your
back on your God in favour of the Assyrian King and the King of each succsesive Kingdon there after.
And you still go after the Kingdoms of the World in hope that they shall Love you, but
your time is short.
Babylon's children are wasting away for they refuse to leave her and come back to me, they refuse to
walk away from her even though all of her deeds have been exposed; Even though her crimes against the children if israel are
made known.
Babylons King has come against her with his full might.
They laugh derisivley and scorn her, desiring to see her end.
Israels Elders built up Jerusalems Templpe and it's vine spread throughout the earth; including Kings
Princes and Lords, all who come from Judah, Ephraim are the vine of Israel.
And the Vine is known to the Lord of truth and Justice.
He alone will sennd his Holy angels in this day to gather in the true vine.
Who is the true vine?
Those of Israel who cling to my Son and those of the Gentiles.
They are the true vine of Israel, they are the rue Church of The true God.
The Beliefe in my Son is suffucient enough, to believe in h im is to believe in my word.
And to be Baptized in the Name of the Father the Son and the Spirit.
Come all of you who are in Israel and believe in this and be saved the simplest way Possible.
Believe in My Son, Ariel and be yhe Baptized.
TEH watchman Of Ephraim shall not be Baptized until all of Israel is home.
How much do you Love me Israel? Says the Lord.
'How much are you willing to sacrifice?
You have to sacrifice nothing at all, only follow my Son, My Savourgh and My Chosen One.
Raise up Oh People and listen, there is no other way to go except the two roads.
One Of those Roads leads to Evil and destruction and the other simply leads to the Chosen One.
Which One will you take?
Think before you choose.................
Which One will you choose?
Which Road will you lead your childeren to, the righteous otr the unroghteouss road.
Lead your children to the righteous path, and know that you have done the right thing in the eyes of
the one true God,
Lead your Children astray and you will be doing a disservice to your children.
Lead your children to Gods commands and let them Live life to the full, let them live a righteous Life
in the Lord of Israel.
Do do the Opposite is in opposition to his commands, and those who do not follow his commands will
feel it eventually.
For this is what it means to die in your transgressions, those who do not follow the law of God will
feel all kinds of maladies and illness.
The Law was given to protect against such things.
But the Law in itself is not enough, for the Chosen One is what it is all about, but the Law is still
in effect, as all Christians are expected to follow the laws that are written down in the Prophet Ezekiel, chapter 18 and
Read them and see if you are attaining to following them or if you and which One you find difficult.
It is worth praying for help on the ones you find you canott follow.
The Law accoring to the God Of Israel if followed shall bring a man Peace, but if he breaks the Law,
God's Law, that is then he will begin to die the Death, and to waste away in his transgression.
So the Witnesses of Jehovah, while they may be reading and sdudying like mad, it is not enough is the
one sdudying is a Man who has Problems folling the Law in these chapters.
The Jews must Simlpy believe in the Christ, and attain to his law.
The Lord says, that you are either with me or against me, you are either with the evil one or
you are with the righteous one, there is no middle ground.
To all the generation of mockers who believe that they are deceiving the believers in the Christ,
know that the Spirit knows well who are the ones who mock and scorn and break down the believers in the Christ.
Know that you canott hide for the maker of the mind knows all, how can you possible hide or decieve
To do so is to be decieved your selves.
Israel is specifically asked to think and to ponder on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to go
over the chapters in Isaiah, which fortold his coming.