New York will be lost as a city. Its at the heart of America, and is the engine of America.
It could even be described as a Ship, a trading city that was built by People from outside lands, all around the world.
They built her up and lived and rowed her. She is compared to an old city, the city of Tyre that lived by
the coast and was also built by people from the outside.
What happened to this great city?
She was left a bare shining surface of a crag
He is comparable to the ancient city of Tyre,
She is comparable to the old city of Tyre that also lived by the sea and was also built up by People that came from
all around the world, from every nation; they built her up as a ship.
What happened to this great City of old, this city of Tyre?
She was destroyed totally and absolutely, left as a bare shining surface of a crag, she was left like a shining bare
Just for her pride, she was destroyed and left in ruins, not by human hands but by The God that I worship, LORD of Creation,
the Lord of Israel.
{I know that when I say MY GOD, peoples Attitudes are, well you can tell your God from me that... and I’ll say
to you, no you tell him, I am not your messenger boy, you tell him in your own head, he will hear you]
He'll say, in that day I will offend the hearts of many Peoples.
Is New York a similar city?
Yes she is a very similar city.
She belongs to a very arrogant nation, America who came all the way from the time of the First Pharaoh, This is their
line, this is where they originated from and this is whom they resemble.
They are in the upper part of the Nile, so to speak.
You can call America the final Pharaoh, because the Lord of creation calls it this in the prophet Ezekiel.
They will be judged as such and brought to ruin by the God of truth, God almighty.
He will judge them.
So that when you see it go, you will know that it was he who brought it down to its knees.
He will judge it for believing that it has his backing in going into Iraq, they have not got his backing, in fact he
is very much against America and he will bring it too its knees.
You do not have the right America and you are living on borrowed time.
For breaking the covenant of the Lord you will suffer all that is in the prophet EZEKIEL compare your self to Egypt
America to know what your destination is.
Just like TYRE was ruined and just as Pharaoh was destroyed and brought to nothing in humiliating circumstances,
it stands to reason that you are the final King on the Earth, Egypt; who will be brought lower that all the other nations
who envied you for so many years.
The one doing the ruining will be God almighty.
You look and search the scriptures but you understand absolutely zero for if you did then you would understand the final
fulfilments of this prophecy, it is calling you Pharaoh into judgement and it describes you as the tallest tree in all of
planet earth, in whose branches all of the other nations take refuge.
But they will not do so for much longer, because this tree will be chopped down, no longer a place of shade for the
other trees of the earth, Oh Pharaoh, no not for all of the other envious trees.........
You are compared to a great tree and you are compared to a crocodile muddying up your own waters.
You are compared to a Wild Beast, which is destroyed in the lake of fire.
Not Hell, but a complete destruction of you.
You as a Wild Beast have hated the Harlot that sits upon many waters.
Yes you America have in your own hidden way, hated all of the religions because they bind you to the laws that were
handed down by the God of Abraham. You broke the covenant.
If you had of obeyed his laws then you would not have been able to follow your pursuit of happiness, for this entails
breaking the law of Abraham.
Can you see the truth that I speak to you by way of Gods word? Without any false Piety or false Holiness, but by truth
do I speak?
America, can you handle the truth, you have broken the Covenant of Abraham, yet you promised at the start of your nation
that you would keep the law of Jehovah by way of his Son Lord Jesus.
According to the truth Jesus never speaks an untruth and so he says that a great nation will fall in the final, when
you see this then you can be sure of his word.
He speaks to you as nation, the greatest in all of the Earth, that is you America, and you came from the land of Egypt,
the cradle of humanity, and now you have gone back because God has brought you back by the nostrils, he has bound and gagged
you in order to bring you back and to shame you, to take you down and to glorify him self and to sanctify his Holy name in
you America.
He speaks TO you through his Prophets whom he chose to tell you in words and in words and music by way of strings and
Search then and use your soothsayers and spin doctors and all of those learned and wise men who are only wise in their
own eyes, they believe they know what scripture states when in fact they know absolutely nothing, only by way of my prophets,
whose word, My word, says the Lord is within his mouth.
I the Lord of Abraham, I promised that I would take you down in the desert, I the one who lives for ever, I the
one true God the Lord of Abraham.
I said that I would bring Pharaoh back to his homeland and that in that very place I would bring you down that
I would state my case.
What do you say O Pharaoh? Either way you loose.
Because your heart is chasing after unjust gain, the treasure beneath the sand, the Gold that belongs to me, Pharaoh,
the God of creation, I even built you O Pharaoh.
And Ariel, I too built him for my purpose and mine alone.
I will bring my Kingdom to fruition while you are trying to bring about yours.
The nations will know that it was by my own hand that I brought you down, in you I will glorify my own self, Says the
Lord God of Abraham.
When I scattered you throughout all of the Earth, I swore by my own right hand that I would bring you back and I have
did just as I said I would, states the Lord.
Through my prophets I have let you know of y our end.
You will not be able to take what the Prophets speak you will not believe him, even if you show an intrest in my
words, because you will surly recognise your own good self in the words.
You have made the comparison with your own nation and the nation of long ago, just as I did in the Prophet Ezekiel.
Nimrod, he tried to oppose me with his one world system and you too have your dream, to bring about your one world,
but I will break this dream for sure.
You have made your pact with the King of Babylon, the King of Tyre.
The dragon and deceiver of mankind, the snake knows where he will finish, but do you Pharaoh, Leader of Tyrus, do you
know where you will finish?
Look back through history and see where you will finish, says the Lord of Abraham.
Only those who believe in my own Son will not perish by way of the Sword, only they will get through.
By no other name will man be saved.
This is the name you have been given by which you will be saved, by me I the Lord of creation.
No other name, only two roads now, one narrow and one wide.
With regards the Moslems
I ask you who call your selves lovers of God, and you who say that you war for him, why do you desecrate human
When you have been told that all of life is sacred.
It is all so sacred to the living God of the heavens whom you say that you worship, shame upon you men of violence for
using God and pulling his name into your wars, shame on you.
The Lord of Israel calls upon Egypt to leave the land of Egypt, Leave PHAROAH.
Leave the land that holds what you desire in your heart.
The Lord of Israel demands that you leave the Holy land, for it does not belong to you; this is the word of God.
I have observed by reading the Prophets of old that Egypt has indeed been brought back to its homeland.
Pharaoh has been brought back to his home in Egypt. #
To come against the SON OF MAN.
You oh great King of the highest mountain in all of the land is coming against the LORD GOD. When you come into the
Holy land to achieve your ends, your goal, to grab what the earth holds, the hidden treasures, the hidden gold.
You have spread your mountain in all of the earth like a tree in the land to were all of the other nations run.
They run to you for comfort.
But there is trouble to those who are relying on Egypt’s likeness for they will fall into the trap.
For you Pharaoh are to be rebuked by the God of Israel, for overstepping the law.
I the lord of Israel .I said that I would take you down in the desert and leave you there upon a mountain, I said
that I would bring you back to your home land in that very place I would let you state your case with me.
What do you say Pharaoh? Either way you loose, are you prepared to come against a God such as I the Lord of all eternity?
And because your heart is chasing after unjust gain, the treasure buried beneath the Earth, The Gold that belongs to
me, Pharaoh, it belongs to I Jehovah of Israel.
I even built you Pharaoh and Ariel Sharon; I too built him for my Purpose and mine alone.
I will bring my Kingdom to fruition and the nations will know that it was by ny hand that you were rebuked.
When I the Lord scattered you for a while throughout the earth I swore by my own right hand that I would bring you back
and that I have done.
Through my prophets of old have I let you know of your end?
You will not be able to fully believe or even take in what the Prophet is saying even if you are interested in what
he is saying.
Because you will surly recognise your self within my words of old.
You make the comparisons with your nation and the nation of long ago, the nation that I the Lord of Israel humiliated
long ago in the desert.
And Nimrod my opposed tried to build up his one world system, and you too Pharaoh an arrogant King.
You have the same agenda, to bring about your one world government and its leader the King of Babylon, Satan him self
at the helm.
You have made a pact with the King of Babylon, the King of Tyre the Dragon and deceiver of all mankind, the snake.
The snake knows when he will finish, but do you Pharaoh?
Do you know of your end?
Look back through History and see what will be your fate.
Only those who believe in The Son, My Son will survive the War, only those who give testimony and follow his teachings,
by no other name under heaven shall man be saved.
This is the name by which you have been given, by me, The Father in the Heavens, the Most High God.
No other name, only two roads now, the narrow and the wide.
To have a chance of being saved from the grave People must realize one thing, how they can be saved from the fire that
has been ignited.
There are not several different ways by which a man can be rescued, and it's not complex and it is not for the wise,
what seems foolish to the wise is actually the truth.
If the truth and the way to be saved from the grave for all eternity were complex then those of low intellect would
perish and this is not the way it will be.
God will make those who are of low intellect and make some of them the wisest of all Kings.
This is Gods way, to take those who are wise in their own eyes, and bring them low and to take those who are humble
and raise them up.
He will exalt those who are humble.
Intelligence is a God given Gift, but the wise refute this fact at their own peril.
Its best to know that what you know has been given to you just as your eyes nose ears legs arms, etc and all
that you can do are all from God, the creator of true wisdom.
Whatever I have I was given, the gifts of writing music and words.
Its all been given to us, we are no gods, so it has all been given to us, the mind
the body the food the rain the sun clouds planets all gifts from another source.